NameManuela Salgado Abril
Email AddressEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
What is your estimated income from the previous calendar year?Parents Income
Yearly Estimated Family Income or Personal Income:20000 to 34999
Academic Information
If you were educated in the US, did you graduate high school or obtain a high school equivalency (GED)?Outside US
What year did you graduate from high school or receive a high school equivalency?2020
Are you a currently in a Dual Enrollment program (such as a high school student taking community college courses)?No
First-Generation Status (this question is optional):First-Generation No
Community College:Northern Virginia Community College
What is your student ID number at your community college?7917846
Community College Enrollment Status:Enrolled Full Time
Which semester do you expect to complete your required community college classes for your associate degree?At the end of Fall 2023 term
Which semester do you plan to begin, start, or enroll at a four-year institution?Spring 2024 | Academic Year 2023-24
How many credits do you expect to complete at the end of the current term?30 to 45
Please share how many credits beyond 60 you will have at the end of the current term:
Grade Point Average:3.75-4.0
Are you enrolled in an honors program, college, or taking honors-level courses?Yes
What is your community college major?Art History
What is your intended major or field of study at a four-year institution?Art History
I will transfer as a:International
Transfer-Related Information
Which Transfer Scholars Network partner institutions do you want to connect with?
  • Amherst
  • Brown
  • Cornell
  • Johns-Hopkins
  • MIT
  • Princeton
  • Yale
Transfer-Related Information
Before learning about TSN, what was your level of interest in transferring to any four-year institution?
1-Not Interested2-Limited Interest3-Somewhat Interested4-Interested5-Very Interested
Before learning about TSN, what was your level of awareness of the colleges and universities in the Transfer Scholars Network?
1-Not at all aware2-Slightly aware3-Somewhat aware4-Moderately aware5-Extremely aware
Currently, what level of interest do you have to transfer to a TSN four-year partner institution?
1-Not Interested2-Limited Interest3-Somewhat Interested4-Interested5-Very Interested
At this point in time, what do you think is the likelihood that you will apply to transfer to a four-year institution in the Transfer Scholars Network?
1-Not at all2-Slightly likely3-Somewhat likely4-Likely5-Very likely
What do you think are the most pressing challenges or barriers to successfully transferring to TSN four-year institution?
  • Affordability
  • Financial Aid
  • Transfer Student-Specific
  • Graduation
Please describe the challenge or barrier below.
What value are you hoping to receive by participating in the Transfer Scholars Network?
  • Transfer to 4Year
  • Navigate Admissions
  • Navigate Financial Aid
Please describe other value you will receive from participating in the Transfer Scholars Network:
Additional Information
If you’d like, share any extracurricular activities, professional details, or personal experiences you would like TSN partners to know about you. Responses can be as brief or long as you’d like.

My name is Manuela Salgado, I am currently completing my fourth and last semester at Northern Virginia Community College as an international student on an F-1 visa. As I apply to four-year institutions, I also seek financial aid or scholarships provided by the schools to cover a large potential of the estimated costs. My parents are retired doctors in Colombia, due to the large gap between the COP and USD, the economic help they can provide is not enough to cover most of the costs various universities require. Additionally, as an F-1 student, my work opportunities are limited to 20 hours a week exclusively on an on-campus job. Below you will find my resume.

Degree: Associates of Art, Liberal Arts: Art History Specialization
GPA: 3.7
Institution: Northern Virginia Community College - Loudoun Campus
Location: Sterling, Virginia
Graduation Date: 12/2023

Academic Achievements:
Dean’s List: Spring of 2022
Dean’s List: Fall of 2022
Member of the National Society of Leadership and Success: Since Fall of 2022
Presidential List: Spring of 2023
Honor Program at Northern Virginia Community College: Spring of 2023
Nominated to the Transfer Scholars Network by Northern Virginia Community College: Fall 20232

Relevant Coursework:
ART 100: Art Appreciation
ART 101: History of Art: Prehistoric to Gothic
ART 102: History of Art: Renaissance to Modern
ATY 215: History of Modern Art

Work Experience:
Mclean Project for the Arts
Mclean, Virginia
Start Date: May 16th 2022 - End Date: July 16th 2022
Key responsibilities and achievements:
Conducted prospect research on potential MPA donors and compiled data in a succinct format
Assisted with donor databases iput to ensure that relevant prospect information is captured and recorded.
Assisted with preparing biographical data on donors and prospects for MPA events.
Assisted with the development and expansion of MPA’s grant pipeline; helped identify existing and potential grant opportunities; and ranked opportunities according to prestige, amount of funding, and/or other relevant information.
Assisted in curating an exhibition for student artwork.
Featured on a Connection Newspaper article written by Mercian Hobson.

Peer Mentor
College Steps
Sterling, Virginia
Start Date: August 17th 2022 - End Date: Till date
List responsibilities and achievements:
Assisting in providing educational support to students with mental disabilities.
Facilitating social preparation spaces for students.
Providing in-class support services to encourage participation and engagement for a proper development in educational growth.

- Technical Skills:
Microsoft Excel:Profficient
Microsoft Word: Porfficient

- Soft Skills:
Effective Communication Skills. Throughout my time at MPA I communicated valuable information with my colleagues and superiors, avoiding misunderstandings and delays.
Organization Skills: As an Intern at MPA and a Mentor in College Steps I’ve provided research and organization skills that allowed me to compile relevant information in a concise and readable format.

Spanish: First Language.
English: Fluent.

Supplemental Interest: Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship
Have you heard or know about the Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship provided by the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation?No
Would you like to receive more information about the Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship from the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation?Yes
If you are interested in the Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship, what would you like to learn about it?
  • Information
  • Insights
  • Scholarship
Please describe below:
Additional Question & Consent
What other resources can the Transfer Scholars Network provide to further support your transfer journey and educational goals?

As I now become a member of the Transfer Scholars Network, I hope the resources in this community allow me to find a school that fits my interests and needs, and also provide information on how to apply to said schools their financial aid, while also being able to find separate scholarship resources.

Date CreatedNovember 16, 2023