NameJeenny St Cyr
Email AddressEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
What is your estimated income from the previous calendar year?Parents Income
Yearly Estimated Family Income or Personal Income:35000 to 49999
Academic Information
If you were educated in the US, did you graduate high school or obtain a high school equivalency (GED)?Yes
What year did you graduate from high school or receive a high school equivalency?2022
Are you a currently in a Dual Enrollment program (such as a high school student taking community college courses)?No
First-Generation Status (this question is optional):First-Generation Yes
Community College:Miami Dade College
What is your student ID number at your community college?4000202617
Community College Enrollment Status:Enrolled Part Time
Which semester do you expect to complete your required community college classes for your associate degree?At the end of the Spring 2024 term
Which semester do you plan to begin, start, or enroll at a four-year institution?Fall 2024 | Academic Year 2024-25
How many credits do you expect to complete at the end of the current term?More than 60
Please share how many credits beyond 60 you will have at the end of the current term:87
Grade Point Average:3.75-4.0
Are you enrolled in an honors program, college, or taking honors-level courses?No
What is your community college major?Business Administration
What is your intended major or field of study at a four-year institution?Human Resources
I will transfer as a:Domestic
Transfer-Related Information
Which Transfer Scholars Network partner institutions do you want to connect with?
  • Cornell
  • MIT
Transfer-Related Information
Before learning about TSN, what was your level of interest in transferring to any four-year institution?
1-Not Interested2-Limited Interest3-Somewhat Interested4-Interested5-Very Interested
Before learning about TSN, what was your level of awareness of the colleges and universities in the Transfer Scholars Network?
1-Not at all aware2-Slightly aware3-Somewhat aware4-Moderately aware5-Extremely aware
Currently, what level of interest do you have to transfer to a TSN four-year partner institution?
1-Not Interested2-Limited Interest3-Somewhat Interested4-Interested5-Very Interested
At this point in time, what do you think is the likelihood that you will apply to transfer to a four-year institution in the Transfer Scholars Network?
1-Not at all2-Slightly likely3-Somewhat likely4-Likely5-Very likely
What do you think are the most pressing challenges or barriers to successfully transferring to TSN four-year institution?
  • Affordability
  • Admissions Application
  • Access Experiences
Please describe the challenge or barrier below.
What value are you hoping to receive by participating in the Transfer Scholars Network?
  • Transfer to 4Year
  • Navigate Admissions
  • Navigate Financial Aid
  • Connect Admissions Staff
Please describe other value you will receive from participating in the Transfer Scholars Network:
Additional Information
If you’d like, share any extracurricular activities, professional details, or personal experiences you would like TSN partners to know about you. Responses can be as brief or long as you’d like.

The Transition from high school to post-secondary Education has been transformative for me. These past two years have opened my eyes to what networking and teamwork truly is. Before coming to Miami Dade College, I used to avoid speaking to new people and collaborating with others. However, my experience at MDC has been nothing short of amazing. Through my scholarship program, I have had the opportunity to attend networking events, host events, participate in conferences, and engage in change-making activities, This has helped me realize the value of connecting, speaking, and working with people. I am grateful for the support of my advisors, who have helped me to grow in this area.
Additionally, MDC has allowed me to tap into my creativity by giving me the chance to choreograph a dance with two of my peers for Haitian Flag Day in 2023. It was my first time putting a performance out for an audience to see and people were pleased with our performance. We even got asked to perform again for the following year. Since then, I have continued to share my passion for dance with others by dancing with groups and choreographing short pieces for an after-school arts program that I work for.
Apart from my education, I am currently working as an Administrative Assistant Intern with the Community-Police Relations Foundation. This has allowed me to make many new connections and has made me more comfortable with entering new spaces with confidence. I also enjoy singing in the choir for my church every Sunday, as it brings me great joy to serve others with encouragement and much-needed reminders through song as they walk through life.
Looking ahead, I am excited to broaden my perspective on how I can make an impact in my future career. My plan is to obtain a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with a minor in Human Resources and pursue a Master’s degree in either Human Resources or Social Work. Initially, I was interested in studying Psychology, but I soon learned that I would need at least a master’s degree to begin working in that field as a therapist. However, I also had a strong interest in the business world. After researching, I discovered that the intersection of psychology and business was Human Resources which was the perfect mix for me. Since most people spend a significant amount of their time at work, I knew that I wanted to create a safe and peaceful environment for employees. My ultimate goal is to assume a leadership role in Corporate Social Responsibility and make a positive difference in people’s lives.

Supplemental Interest: Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship
Have you heard or know about the Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship provided by the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation?Yes
Would you like to receive more information about the Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship from the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation?Yes
If you are interested in the Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship, what would you like to learn about it?
  • Insights
  • Scholarship
Please describe below:
Additional Question & Consent
What other resources can the Transfer Scholars Network provide to further support your transfer journey and educational goals?

TSN can aid me in my transfer journey by informing me of scholarships and informational materials that will help me in writing my transfer essays.

Date CreatedFebruary 28, 2024