NameTania Sierra
Email AddressEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
What is your estimated income from the previous calendar year?Students Income
Yearly Estimated Family Income or Personal Income:20000 to 34999
Academic Information
If you were educated in the US, did you graduate high school or obtain a high school equivalency (GED)?Yes
What year did you graduate from high school or receive a high school equivalency?2014
Are you a currently in a Dual Enrollment program (such as a high school student taking community college courses)?No
First-Generation Status (this question is optional):First-Generation Yes
Community College:LaGuardia Community College
What is your student ID number at your community college?23273563
Community College Enrollment Status:Enrolled Full Time
Which semester do you expect to complete your required community college classes for your associate degree?At the end of the Spring 2024 term
Which semester do you plan to begin, start, or enroll at a four-year institution?Fall 2024 | Academic Year 2024-25
How many credits do you expect to complete at the end of the current term?45 to 60
Please share how many credits beyond 60 you will have at the end of the current term:
Grade Point Average:3.75-4.0
Are you enrolled in an honors program, college, or taking honors-level courses?Yes
What is your community college major?Public and Community Health
What is your intended major or field of study at a four-year institution?Public Health
I will transfer as a:Domestic
Transfer-Related Information
Which Transfer Scholars Network partner institutions do you want to connect with?
  • Amherst
  • Bates
  • Bowdoin
  • Brown
  • Cornell
  • Johns-Hopkins
  • Mount-Holyoke
  • Princeton
  • Smith
  • Swarthmore
  • Wellesley
  • Williams
  • Yale
Transfer-Related Information
Before learning about TSN, what was your level of interest in transferring to any four-year institution?
1-Not Interested2-Limited Interest3-Somewhat Interested4-Interested5-Very Interested
Before learning about TSN, what was your level of awareness of the colleges and universities in the Transfer Scholars Network?
1-Not at all aware2-Slightly aware3-Somewhat aware4-Moderately aware5-Extremely aware
Currently, what level of interest do you have to transfer to a TSN four-year partner institution?
1-Not Interested2-Limited Interest3-Somewhat Interested4-Interested5-Very Interested
At this point in time, what do you think is the likelihood that you will apply to transfer to a four-year institution in the Transfer Scholars Network?
1-Not at all2-Slightly likely3-Somewhat likely4-Likely5-Very likely
What do you think are the most pressing challenges or barriers to successfully transferring to TSN four-year institution?
  • Affordability
  • Credit transfer
  • Admissions Application
  • Financial Aid
  • Transfer Student-Specific
  • Flexibility
  • Inclusion-belonging
  • Access Experiences
  • Graduation
Please describe the challenge or barrier below.
What value are you hoping to receive by participating in the Transfer Scholars Network?
  • Transfer to 4Year
  • Navigate Admissions
  • Navigate Financial Aid
  • Connect Admissions Staff
  • Webinars and Resources
Please describe other value you will receive from participating in the Transfer Scholars Network:
Additional Information
If you’d like, share any extracurricular activities, professional details, or personal experiences you would like TSN partners to know about you. Responses can be as brief or long as you’d like.

“Academically dismissed” words that will always follow me wherever I go. For six years, I lived with the feeling of being a failure, and that, in the end, ultimately defined me as a person. Throughout that time, I placed blame on anyone other than myself, and as I stood behind, I watched old friends graduate and go on to successful careers. From a young age, my parents, especially my father, pushed me to be the best and always be at the top. I tried my best to make him proud and be the role model for my siblings as the first to head off to college. So much was on my shoulders, but little did my family know of the inner turmoil I was going through. Before starting at City College of New York, I had applied to highly selective liberal arts colleges far from home. I wanted that independence and experience, and though I had the grades, I faced rejection after rejection. I cried, but in the end, I had to accept their decision, not realizing that deep down, I would harbor resentment.
I started on the right foot by majoring in political science and holding on to the belief that I wanted to become a lawyer. Yet as the assignments started to pile up, I stopped functioning and skipped the rest of the semester. At that point, I was numb and hoped that in the spring, I would recuperate. Sadly, history repeated itself with only one class passable. My father would ask for my grades, and though my excuses worked initially, he slowly started to lose trust in me. It was in the summer of 2015 when I began to work on a part-time basis at a hardware store. Through that job, I watched co-workers come and go and venture on to new things, yet I stayed. My father, my strongest critic, would lament losing his straight-A daughter and ask, “what happened to her?” Though I tuned him out, his words still took a hit to the point where I wondered, “what had happened to that girl?”
It was in the year 2020, at the height of the pandemic, when a co-worker of mine kept asking me the million-dollar question: “Why aren’t you in school?” I didn’t know how to answer him, and it wasn’t until the following year that I worked up the courage to evaluate my life and finally broke down. For so long, I deemed myself a disappointment, and at 24, I found the answer I had been seeking. I had to let go of all that resentment that I still harbored and come to terms with why it happened, and I still had the time to change my life. So, in December 2021, I took the first step in applying to LaGuardia Community College. Slowly I am gaining back my dad’s trust, especially after showing him my spring and fall 2022 semester grades. I felt joy at seeing him smile, and though it had taken me this long to realize that I could do it, I needed to go on this journey on my own. I accomplished a feat in just one year; no longer am I a failure.

Supplemental Interest: Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship
Have you heard or know about the Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship provided by the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation?Yes
Would you like to receive more information about the Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship from the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation?Yes
If you are interested in the Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship, what would you like to learn about it?
  • Information
  • Webinars
  • Insights
  • Scholarship
Please describe below:
Additional Question & Consent
What other resources can the Transfer Scholars Network provide to further support your transfer journey and educational goals?
Date CreatedNovember 21, 2023