NameYohan Lee
Email AddressEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
What is your estimated income from the previous calendar year?Students Income
Yearly Estimated Family Income or Personal Income:75000 to 99999
Academic Information
If you were educated in the US, did you graduate high school or obtain a high school equivalency (GED)?Yes
What year did you graduate from high school or receive a high school equivalency?2013
Are you a currently in a Dual Enrollment program (such as a high school student taking community college courses)?No
First-Generation Status (this question is optional):First-Generation Yes
Community College:LaGuardia Community College
What is your student ID number at your community college?23222084
Community College Enrollment Status:Enrolled Full Time
Which semester do you expect to complete your required community college classes for your associate degree?At the end of the Spring 2024 term
Which semester do you plan to begin, start, or enroll at a four-year institution?Fall 2024 | Academic Year 2024-25
How many credits do you expect to complete at the end of the current term?45 to 60
Please share how many credits beyond 60 you will have at the end of the current term:
Grade Point Average:3.75-4.0
Are you enrolled in an honors program, college, or taking honors-level courses?No
What is your community college major?Liberal Arts Math and Science
What is your intended major or field of study at a four-year institution?Neuroscience or Applied Psychology
I will transfer as a:Domestic
Transfer-Related Information
Which Transfer Scholars Network partner institutions do you want to connect with?
  • Brown
  • Cornell
  • MIT
  • Princeton
  • Yale
Transfer-Related Information
Before learning about TSN, what was your level of interest in transferring to any four-year institution?
1-Not Interested2-Limited Interest3-Somewhat Interested4-Interested5-Very Interested
Before learning about TSN, what was your level of awareness of the colleges and universities in the Transfer Scholars Network?
1-Not at all aware2-Slightly aware3-Somewhat aware4-Moderately aware5-Extremely aware
Currently, what level of interest do you have to transfer to a TSN four-year partner institution?
1-Not Interested2-Limited Interest3-Somewhat Interested4-Interested5-Very Interested
At this point in time, what do you think is the likelihood that you will apply to transfer to a four-year institution in the Transfer Scholars Network?
1-Not at all2-Slightly likely3-Somewhat likely4-Likely5-Very likely
What do you think are the most pressing challenges or barriers to successfully transferring to TSN four-year institution?
  • Inclusion-belonging
  • Other
Please describe the challenge or barrier below.I don't feel that I am competitive enough for admission as these institutions are some of the most selective in the world.
What value are you hoping to receive by participating in the Transfer Scholars Network?
  • Transfer to 4Year
Please describe other value you will receive from participating in the Transfer Scholars Network:
Additional Information
If you’d like, share any extracurricular activities, professional details, or personal experiences you would like TSN partners to know about you. Responses can be as brief or long as you’d like.

As an undocumented immigrant, I didn't have access to higher education as I wasn't eligible for federal grants or loans. My parents were uninterested in my educational aspirations and had terrible credit so a private loan was also off the table. After high school, I saved up a little bit of money and was able to secure a partial scholarship to St. John's University, but I withdrew halfway through the semester as I realized it was hopeless to continue when I wouldn't even be allowed to legally work even if I managed to find a way to continue paying tuition. My advisor was not sympathetic to my cause and did not file my withdrawal form in a timely manner so I ended up with a semesters worth of failing grades.

I struggled with mental health my entire life as I grew up in a very abusive environment, my sister faced many of the same challenges and abuse, which led her down a path of drug addiction and crime. I was lucky to have found my wife, who I have now been married to for over eight years. She helped me get my permanent residency, which allowed me to enlist in the U.S. Army to earn my citizenship. However, after an untimely injury, I was honorably discharged after a year and some change. This derailed my plans for the future and my mental health regressed during the rehabilitation process.

Two years ago, my wife took me to the VA Hospital and for the first time in my life, I was treated for post traumatic stress disorder. She practically dragged me to my appointments and ensured my recovery. Today, I have 37 credits with a 4.0 GPA, and I will have another 19 credits completed by the end of this fall semester. I am also an NIH Bridges Scholar, participating in research at LaGuardia under my mentor Dr. Charles Keller. In my free time, I volunteer to teach chess to children at my local library and am in the process of completing my mental health peer support specialist certification. For fun, I have learned to use CAD and operate a 3D printer, which I use to bring my projects to life. Some of my projects include a temperature regulated ventilation chamber to house my 3D printer, phone cases, watches, and bicycle components.

While I have found considerable success in managing my mental health conditions, my sister has not had such good fortune. During my time away in the Army, she was arrested and deported back to South Korea. Things are not easy for her, and her mental health has suffered tremendously to the point of attempting suicide three times in her life so far. I call her every day to try to keep her hopes up, and I try my best to set a good example for her because I know that looks to me as evidence of recovery. Through experiencing trauma and persevering over the resulting PTSD in my life has given me purpose in life, I aim to become a psychiatrist so that I can help others like myself and my sister. Many undocumented immigrants suffer from parental and domestic abuse, and are trapped in a cycle of trauma because they fear calling the police over potential deportation. They also lack access to psychiatric support as many of us didn't have health insurance or any money to pay out of pocket. While access to healthcare for undocumented immigrants have improved, awareness for the rampant domestic abuse in undocumented immigrant communities has been ignored. I know that my sister and I were not the only ones who experienced abuse in our household. I've witnessed childhood friends wither away to drug addiction and the subsequent perils of such addictions due to their inability to process their trauma. Seeing people I've known from my grade school days die from overdose or suicide hurts because I know the pain that drives them to their demise. I am not special, it could just as easily have been me.

My academic journey is just the first step of my mission. I will earn my credentials and leverage them to become someone that people in my community can turn to for help.

Supplemental Interest: Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship
Have you heard or know about the Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship provided by the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation?Yes
Would you like to receive more information about the Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship from the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation?No
If you are interested in the Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship, what would you like to learn about it?
  • Other
Please describe below:I've read the terms of this scholarship and I don't qualify. Also, the VA funds my education expenses through the chapter 31 vocational rehabilitation program.
Additional Question & Consent
What other resources can the Transfer Scholars Network provide to further support your transfer journey and educational goals?
Date CreatedNovember 17, 2023